Salesman Pete from Salesman Pete on Vimeo.
Phenomenal work!!!
Started blocking in some color trying to work out problems with the original sketch...hopefully on the right path!
Sketch of Ron Howard...probably the begining of a paint over.
Also wanted to share a few things I've come across one being a brief interview with Roger Law of Spitting Image...
The video was originaly found on the TATE channel entitled Rude Britannia : British Comic Art. It also showcases the work of Gerald Scarfe!
...and Illustration Magazine has been kind enough to provide reprints of previous issues on ISSUU with some really stunning material. I've included the issue that showcases the work of Dean Cornwell in this post!
One of the great Western character I guess this is a companion piece to the Sergio Leone sketch since I used the opening sequence of "Once Upon A Time In The West" as reference!
While pulling out the airconditioner out of the studio closet found some of these things in an old box...I liked a few of them!
Robert Culp passed a few weeks ago and I was reminded of the first time I saw him act. It was on a show called "The Outer Limits" and his performance on "The Demon with the Glass Hand" written by the great Harlan Ellison was one of the best the show ever ran. You catch the entire thing on YouTube...shot in a film noir style with very simple effects (love the low tech make-up on the aliens). The storyline has been compared to "Terminator" and in fact James Cameron gave Harlan Ellison a partial writing credit for his film.
Took awhile to do this sketch...Deb and I got a new puppy and did I forget how much work they are...very tired, but she sure is cute!
Demon With A Glass Hand
I wanted to post this last week but of course after losing Jake I didn't feel much like doing anything.
On Saturday, February 13th Deb and I got to see Steve Winwood perform at a small local theater in town. After some confusion about our seating arrangements the theater gave us front row center seats for what was a sold out show. It was incredible, having a musical legend entertain us like he was standing in our living room...and the guy still has all his chops. His touring band was fantasic as well (Jose Neto on guitar, Drummer Richard Bailey, Karl Vanden Bossche percussion and Paul Booth sax and flute), they did what seemed to be a twenty minute version of "Light Up or Leave Me Alone" showcasing each member's talent with a solo. They encored with "Dear Mr. Fantasy" and "Gimme Some Lovin". I saw Steve with Traffic 40 years ago at Stonybrook College on Long Island and to hear "Fantasy" performed live one more time was a dream!
Well just in case there are any aspiring musicians out there who stumble across this blog, Steve has started a "Can't Find My Way Home" Worldwide Cover Contest in which the winner will be personally selected by him...just figured I'd spread the word ;)
The joy you brought was immeasurable...thank you beautiful boy!
It was only one hour ago
It was all so different then
There's nothing yet has really sunk in
Looks like it always did
This flesh and bone
It's just the way that you would tie it in
Now there's no one home
I grieve for you
You leave me
So hard to move on
Still loving what's gone
They say life carries on
Carries on and on and on and on
The news that truly shocks is the empty empty page
While the final rattle rocks its empty empty cage
And I can't handle this
I grieve for you
You leave me
Let it out and move on
Missing what's gone
They say life carries on
They say life carries on and on and on
Life carries on
In the people I meet
In everyone that's out on the street
In all the dogs and cats
In the flies and rats
In the rot and the rust
In the ashes and the dust
Life carries on and on and on and on
Life carries on and on and on
It's just the car that we ride in
A home we reside in
The face that we hide in
The way we are tied in
And life carries on and on and on and on
Life carries on and on and on
Did I dream this belief?
Or did I believe this dream?
Now I can find relief
I grieve
Well I guess one good thing about the recent snow blanketing was that it gave me some time to work on this...anyhow, I did get to see "Book of Eli" last week and although I was somewhat disappointed in the film as a whole, Mr. Oldman's performance (as always) was stellar!!!
Rough sketch of Charlie Rose...seems his show is the only one I can stand at the moment and a doodle of "Sweetheart of the Rodeo", (with apologies to the Byrds) 'cause I've been staring at that CD cover sitting on top of my workstation for about a month now.
As we bid a fond adieu to the season's cast of characters it's time to move on and hopefully keep at least half of those New Year's Eve resolutions...wishing all those who occasionly find the time to stop by and visit a very healthy & happy 2010!!!
All the best always!!!